Line Up

Tamara Vizzardi (*2002), originaria della Valle Di Blenio, vive e studia a Berna, dove ha conseguito il Bachelor in Fine Arts presso la Hochschule Der Künste von Bern, e frequenta adesso il Master in Contemporary Art Practice-Performance. La sua pratica performativa si focalizza sull’interazione attiva con il suo pubblico, attraverso dialoghi paraverbali e sempre incentrati sulla cura e il rispetto di quest’ultimo.

Tamara Vizzardi (*2002), originally from the Valle Di Blenio, lives and studies in Bern, where she obtained her Bachelor in Fine Arts at the Hochschule Der Künste von Bern, and is now attending her Master in Contemporary Art Practice-Performance. Her performative practice focuses on active interaction with her audience, through paraverbal dialogues and always focused on care and respect for the latter.
